January 12, 1965

Saturday Januaruy 16, will see the premier of "Puzzle Bowl," a brand new game show produced by WJA-TV, The Junior Achievement Television Company. The program will be telecast through the facilities of WNDU-TV, Channel 16.

Two Panels, composed of members of WJA-TV and two guest panelists, answer questions to receive a chance to view a portion of a rebus puzzle. As more questions are answered, more portions ofthe puzzle are revealed, the first panel guessing the complete Meaning, winning the game.

Moderator for the program will be Tom Kierein, and panel members include Connie Hoenk and Dean Moehring, and Paula Glabman and Lou Bonadies.

"Puzzle Bowl" will be seen Saturdays at 4:30 PM EST on Channel 16.