March 31, 1975


Early morning television is the target for satire on the ninth edition of Beyond Our Control. The student-produced "TV show about TV" is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 at 5:00 PM EST on Channel 16.

Kevin Zimmerman plays Bill Butane and Kate Doherty is Stephanie Fetchit in "Good Morning, America," which also features Jon Yazell as the humanist-theologian Author Godfrey, author of the new book for businessmen: "Don't Put the Almighty on Hold." Debating ERA on the "Point-Pointerpoint" segment of the program are Maryalice Janowiak and Ron Ward.

Switching to other channels, the program repeatedly encounters a soap opera, starring Jim Poyser, Mary Willems and Jon Yazell; a record commercial, featuring Jim Poyser as "Bobby Vintage;" and a trip back through time featuring Jim Poyser (again?) as a simple janitor and Kate Doherty as a cavewoman.

"The Jim Poyser Salute" was directed this week by Dave Simkins, Tim Hanlon and Tom Mantke. The program, now in its eighth season on WNDU-TV, is written and produced by the Junior Achievement Television Company.