July 26, 1976


Beyond Our Control, the Junior Achievement Television Company, has begun production on its Tenth Anniversary Season with on-location shooting of a new four-chapter serial.

The new project, which will be part of BOC's 1977 season, has been tentatively titled "Tarzan and the Four-Chapter Serial." Dave Simkins is featured as Tarzan, Chris Dudley as a country music singer lost in the jungle, and Kevin Fye as Boy. The plot centers around Tarzan's aid to a tribe of Amazons whose ruby-eyed idol is a prime target for jungle ne'er-do-wells.

The serial is a project of the BOC summer flimmaking company, whose output is part of the student-produced television show. This will be the tenth season in which Michiana area high school students have had the unique opportunity to be part of a complete model television production company. The broadcast education project is sponsored by WNDU-TV.